Living with Graves Disease and Other Strange Health Conditions

Living with Graves Disease and Other Strange Health Conditions

Living with Graves Disease and Other Strange Health Conditions I’m in the habit of blaming all of my aches, pains, and bodily dysfunctions on Graves Disease. I think it’s the same with many Gravesters. Whenever something feels even a little bit off our first thought is, “Could this be Graves-related?” The truth is that although…


Surviving Holidays and Special Occasions with Graves Disease

Holidays, vacations, weddings, and special occasions are meant to be joyful times. But somehow they always seem to give us some level of stress. I think that’s because they require what I like to call the three Ps; Planning, People, and Payment. When you have the three Ps, plus Graves Disease, you have a recipe…

Quotes to inspire you when Graves Disease is Kicking Your Butt

Quotes to Inspire You When Graves Disease is Kicking Your Butt

Quotes to Inspire You When Graves Disease is Kicking Your Butt I don’t know about you, but I get excited when I see a quote or phrase that aligns perfectly with what’s happening in my life at the time. It feels like divine intervention. Like God sending me a direct message when I need it…

Everyday Tips for Living with Graves Disease and Unbudgeable Weight Gain

Everyday Tips for Living with Graves Disease and Unbudgeable Weight Gain

Everyday Tips for Living with Graves Disease and Unbudgeable Weight Gain Since Hyperthyroidism speeds up metabolism, people associate Graves Disease with weight loss. It’s not what happened to me, but unexplained weight loss is often the first Graves Disease symptom that people notice. It would be great if treatment just slowed things down and created…